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12th Jun 2023
Bunker 1

A rare chance to own a piece of Cold War history has been announced, with the offer for sale of a Cold war bunker in Barnham Broom.

Used between 1962 and 1991 as a Royal Observer Corps monitoring post, the bunker, complete with rudimentary toilet, stands in a small area of grassland on Honingham Road in the village, and is on sale with a guide price of £25,000.

The bunker consists of two rooms, one measuring approximately 4.75m by 2.25m, and the other a small space with a toilet.  The bunker is accessed via a metal raised manhole lid and a metal staircase.  An air vent leads to a second ground-level outlet.  The bunker stands in a grassed area of just under 350 square metres.

In the main room are remnants of the bunker’s Cold war role, with a desk littered with papers, and an asbestos fire blanket.

“This is a fascinating piece of military history from a previous era of real international tension and fear of aggression from the Soviet Union,” said James Hill, associate at Arnolds Keys, who are marketing the bunker.  “It is an opportunity to own a real piece of recent history, right here in Norfolk.”

Further details of the bunker, which is on sale with a guide price of £25,000, can be found at www.arnoldskeys.com/agricultural-irelands/property-search/view/8553.