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14th Jul 2015
Darryl Cox 1

Victory Housing Trust’s deputy chief executive has raised over £2,000 for Amnesty International – following a gruelling 1,000 mile cycle ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

61 year-old Darryl Cox completed the journey in 14 straight days of cycling – and even has two cycling holidays planned in the next two months.

Darryl, who regularly commutes the 25 miles from his Surlingham home to Victory’s North Walsham headquarters by bike, was one of five friends, all current or former residents of Surlingham, who decided to undertake the ultimate UK two-wheeled challenge – the first time he had taken on such a long-distance ride.

The five rode the 1,030 miles unsupported, which meant they had to take everything they needed with them.  To add to the challenge, they decided to take the scenic route, cycling on country lanes and going via the Isle of Arran.

“It’s a big challenge for any cyclist, and more so when you consider we had no support and our timetable didn’t allow for any rest days,” said Darryl.  “Fortunately we had no major mishaps, with just two punctures between us the sum total of mechanical problems.

“I did train for the ride, completing around 2,000 miles in the couple of months before we did it.  But Norfolk is not great preparation – cycling 70 miles over the hills of Cornwall is hard work!”

Darryl, who first took up cycling seriously 20 years ago, said the arrival at John O’Groats was exhilarating, but very cold.  “It was freezing – my hands were so cold I couldn’t undo the zip on my jacket.  I rang my wife in Norfolk, to hear that she was sunbathing in the garden.  It made me realise just how far we had travelled.”

The five riders, one of whom was Darryl’s son Matthew, were each raising money for different charities, including Oxfam and the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.  Darryl’s friends, families and colleagues have helped him raise £2,005 for Amnesty International so far.  Donations can still be made at https://www.justgiving.com/Darryl-Cox1/.

Despite the arduous nature of the challenge, Darryl is not quite ready to get out of the saddle – he and wife Diane are now looking forward to cycling holidays in Holland in August, and Sicily in September.