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11th Sep 2023
Nathan Bowden 2 sm

An event for small businesses at Norwich City Football Club next month will bring together leading experts in cloud accounting and cyber security, to help business owners and managers get the most out of digital technology.

The Digital Business Expo takes place on Wednesday 11th October, and offers expert insights, hands-on workshops, and the chance to talk to representatives from the main cloud accounting platforms.

Organised by chartered accountants Lovewell Blake, the free morning event is aimed at business owners looking to streamline their financial processes and enhance decision-making, as well as those who perform the bookkeeping and finance functions in businesses.

The event will also feature a presentation on cyber security from Nick Wilkins, head of business fraud at Barclays, who will cover the latest fraud and scam threats as well as prevention guidance, industry fraud and scam figures and good controls that businesses can put in place.

In addition to the presentations and workshops, attendees can book a free session at the Lovewell Blake ‘Genius Desk’, where they can receive one-to-one advice about their particular digital challenges.

“Whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out, this event is tailored to businesses of all levels to harness the potential of modern technology,” said Nathan Bowden, cloud accounting specialist at Lovewell Blake.

“Our Digital Business Expo will enable business owners to gain deep insights from industry experts into the world of cloud accounting and its impact on business efficiency and growth, as well as learn the latest thinking on the vital topic of cyber security.

“No matter where you are on your digital journey, there will be something for everyone, with as much support as you need and the opportunity to have a hands-on review of your digital offering”.

The Digital Business Expo takes place on Wednesday 11th October from 8.15am to 12pm at Top of the City at Norwich City Football Club.  The event is free, but places must be booked in advance.  More details at https://www.lovewell-blake.co.uk/events/event/digital-business-expo.