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4th Mar 2019
Handover of nine affordable homes at Adshead Court Norwich sm

Nine new affordable homes have been handed over in Norwich – the culmination of a partnership between local construction company Wellington, Orwell Housing Association and Norwich City Council, which has resulted in 32 new affordable homes being built on seven brownfield sites across the city.

The last of the new homes to be handed over were at Adshead Court off Rye Avenue in the north of the city.  Seven two bedroom houses, one four-bedroom house and one two-bedroom bungalow have been created at a total cost of £1.4 million.

The site, previously the location of underused garages, was transferred to Orwell Housing Association by Norwich City Council at no cost, enabling the new homes to be built.

Receiving the keys to the new homes, assistant development director at Orwell Housing Association Greg Dodds said, “We are delighted to have provided these much-needed affordable homes in Norwich, where there is a shortage of good quality, affordable rental homes for local people.

“This is the third phase of small site redevelopments across the city which has helped transform underused garage sites and car park areas to provide affordable homes for rent and shared ownership.

“Working together is crucial in the development of affordable housing, and we will continue to be a key developer of affordable housing in the city, and look forward to working with Norwich City Council on future sites of this nature.”

Cllr Gail Harris, deputy leader of Norwich City Council and cabinet member for social housing, said, ”Our replacement homes programme has been a real success story and is a great source of pride both for me and the council as a whole.  This former council-owned site, which previously featured underused garages and had a history of anti-social behaviour, has now been totally transformed.

“With its nine new properties, Adshead Court is a shining example of our continued commitment to work with housing associations in order that they can bring forward good quality and much-needed affordable housing to Norwich.”

The new homes have been built by Lowestoft-based contractor Wellington, which has a long track record of delivering affordable homes for local authorities and housing associations in the region.  Managing director Paul Pitcher said, “We are delighted once again to be working with Orwell Housing, in partnership with Norwich City Council.

“Working on small sites like this is always a challenge, but we are delighted to have completed all of the homes on the seven sites ahead of schedule and on budget.  The most rewarding thing is handing the houses over and seeing families move into them and turning them into homes.”