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10th Nov 2023
The Britons Arms exterior sm

A historic Norwich restaurant is celebrating the game season with a special seven course game dinner, featuring the best of wild Norfolk produce.

The Britons Arms, in Elm Hill in the city, is now taking bookings for its Game Night, which takes place on Friday 17th November.

Chef-proprietor Richard Ellis has created the special menu, which includes pigeon, rabbit, venison, pheasant and partridge.

“Winter is when hearty game dishes really come into their own, and we have been looking forward to the colder weather so that we can put on a special game night,” said Mr Ellis.  “Everyone will sit down together in our cosy, historic restaurant and enjoy the very best of Norfolk wild produce.”

The menu is as follows:

  • Pigeon breast with Jerusalem artichoke, hazel and chilli
  • Rabbit terrine with corn puree, roast pear and pumpkin seeds
  • Brined venison loin with venison and silverskin onion stew
  • Pheasant, mushroom, bacon, celeriac and red wine
  • Partridge breast with bread sauce, turnips, swede mash, pickled roots and plum jus
  • Venison leg steak with peppercorn sauce, boulangère potato and roast tomato
  • Chocolate and chilli tart with oat crumble, currants and Chantilly

The menu costs £55 per person, and includes coffee and shortbread.  All dishes are available gluten free.  An extensive range of wines, beers and ciders are available.

To book, visit www.britonsarms.com, phone 01603 331394, or email britonsarmselmhill@gmail.com.