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9th Feb 2023
Kyle Smith

A leading Norfolk charity finance expert is urging people wanting to donate to relief efforts following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria to heed advice from the Charity Commission and the Fundraising Regulator and ‘give safely’ – checking that charities are legitimate before parting with their cash.

Kyle Smith, who is a member of the specialist Charity team at chartered accountants Lovewell Blake, is reiterating advice from the two charity regulators to check that charities are registered and legitimate if they want to make a donation.

“We have all been shocked by the upsetting images of the suffering which this earthquake has caused, and many people want to support the efforts to provide aid to those at the epicentre of the disaster,” said Mr Smith.

“Sadly, fraudsters tend to take advantage of public generosity at times like this, posting fake appeal websites, and targeting people with emotive emails.

“The Charity Commission and the Fundraising Regulator have put out some useful advice to help people determine whether a charity is genuine, and to ensure that the money they donate really does reach the people who need it.”

That advice from the regulators includes:

  • Check the charity’s name and registration number on the Charity Register at www.gov.uk/checkcharity - most charities with an annual income of £5,000 or more must be registered.
  • Make sure the charity is genuine before giving any financial information.
  • Be careful when responding to emails or clicking on links within them.
  • Contact or find out more online about the charity that you’re seeking to donate to or work with to understand how they are spending their funds
  • Look out for the Fundraising Badge (www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/more-from-us/about-us/fundraising-badge) - the logo that says ‘registered with Fundraising Regulator’ - and check the Fundraising Regulator’s Directory of organisations which have committed to fundraise in line with the Code of Fundraising Practice (www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk/directory).

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has launched a Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.  The DEC brings together 15 leading UK aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently in times of crisis overseas.

Gerald Oppenheim, Chief Executive of the Fundraising Regulator said, “The situation following the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria is horrifying to witness, and thousands have lost their lives or have been injured.

“The British public are generous and will be eager to support the relief work led by the DEC and its member charities where they can.  Please carry out our recommended checks before donating money or goods to make sure you are giving to a genuine cause and that your generously donated money reaches its intended destination.”

Details of the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal can be found at www.dec.org.uk/appeal/turkey-syria-earthquake-appeal.