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29th Sep 2017
Norwich Housing Society scheme manager Sue Closs left with prizewinning baker Irene Young and her winning chocolate cake sm

A cake baking competition at a Norwich sheltered scheme, inspired by Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith, has raised £312 for MacMillan Cancer Support.

Residents and staff at Norwich Housing Society’s Eleanor Road complex got baking for the ‘Great British Fake-Off Bake-Off Cake-Off’ competition – which saw the bakes judged by fellow residents at the scheme.

Cakes ranging from black forest gateau to lemon drizzle cup cakes, chocolate scones to a banana loaf were entered in the competition.

Voted best bake was a ‘Chocolate Lover’s Delight’ made by resident Irene Young, which narrowly beat a colourful rainbow cake made by scheme manager Sue Closs into second place.

With the judging complete, slices of the cakes were then sold to those attending the event to raise money for the cancer charity.

“We love to get together and enjoy ourselves with fellow residents and other people living close to the complex, and the opportunity to taste more than a dozen fabulous cakes meant that we had a bumper turn-out,” said scheme manager Sue Closs.

“As well as enjoying a cup of tea and many different cakes, we are delighted to have raised £312 for MacMillan, which is a charity that many local people have benefitted from.

“Now we know that there are so many great bakers living here, we are already planning our next cake-based social event!”

The Eleanor Road complex has 38 flats spread across five buildings, each surrounded by colourful gardens.  The scheme is one of eight run by Norwich Housing Society across the city.